
Friday, April 13, 2018

What we're up to...                                          

April 2018

Reader's and Writer's Workshop

Please log into Seesaw to see your child's latest published book! During Reader's Workshop each Kindergartener worked hard researching an African animal using different resources such as Epic! Books, informational books from the library, and PebbleGo. They studied their animal's habitat, food, life cycle, interesting facts, and much more. Then during Writer's Workshop they used all of this new learning to write their own informational book to teach others about their animal. Their books include text features such as headings, maps, key words, a table of contents, illustrations, and labels! I am so proud of how hard they all worked and I know they are all proud of themselves for becoming authors.

Math Workshop
We are working on building a strong foundation for addition and subtraction skills through various games, story problems, and hands-on activities. Students are learning to identify if a story problem is asking them to add or subtract depending on the language that is being used in the problem. They are learning what different math symbols like the plus sign, minus sign, and equal sign mean and how to use them in number sentences.

Creating balanced class lists that meet the needs of all students is a difficult endeavor.  This process involves hours of thoughtful dialogue between classroom teachers, administrators and other staff members.  We know that creating a strong learning environment is essential to students’ success and we therefore take this responsibility seriously.  Please be assured that we take each child into consideration.  Please see our process below.

·     Teachers identify the social and academic needs of each student.  They refer to existing data and record pertinent information to assist them in their decision-making.

·     Teachers meet as grade level teams to form class lists that are balanced.  Balanced classrooms meet each student’s academic, social and emotional needs.  Teachers consider each child’s personality, academic strengths, needs and friendships. Learning specialists, the specials team and administration also collaborate with classroom teachers to provide feedback.

·     Each grade level team submits a draft of class lists.  I review final lists to ensure all parent input has been considered.  Classroom teachers approve any changes I suggest given parent feedback to ensure classes remain balanced.

·     Class lists are finalized in mid July to reflect the addition of students joining Gold Rush in the summer.

This process is consistent across grades K-4.  Our 5th grade team collaborates with the teachers at Cimarron Middle School to ensure students’ success in 6th grade.

We strongly believe that this detailed and collaborative process creates learning environments that benefit all students.  Please remember that our ultimate goal is to create classes that promote the success of each child.  Please also know that your child is placed in a classroom for specific reasons and that our process benefits all students.  Because of the input and thought given by teachers, parents and administrators, we are reluctant to make changes once this process is complete.  It may be hard to believe, but moving one child can disrupt the balance of an entire classroom.

We do value parent input and welcome any insight you wish to share about your child’s strengths, needs and learning style.  We will take into consideration all pertinent information that you share with Principal Jenny Brown on or before Friday, April 25th.  While we welcome your input, we cannot honor specific teacher requests.  Please put your thoughts in writing and address them to Principal Brown through either a letter or email (jjbrown@dcsdk12.org).